I've Moved!

As of July 3, 2013, I have changed blog location! You can now find me blogging on my new blog, The Giant Pencil. Click the link below to view.


Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Footenotes: One Final Post...Maybe

You might have noticed that the quality of my blog posts here has gone down dramatically. I sure have. So I realized today that I can't put it off anymore.

I am now closing one door and opening another. 

Today will be the day where I stop using this blog.

Today is also the day that I am opening my other blog, The Giant Pencil!

It's kind of bittersweet, but overall, I'm glad I made another blog. This blog was sort of a test run, and it IS a mess. But now I have a new start, now that I know what I'm doing. 

But I won't stop blogging on here forever. I might occasionally post first drafts of my reviews. But they will also appear in a better format in my new blog, so you might as well look there. 

So, bye, I guess!

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Book Blog: Trickster's Choice

I was really excited to read another series by Tamora Pierce! The Alanna series had been decent, and her Beka Cooper trilogy much more enjoyable, so I was curious of how this one would turn out.

The cover is kind of weird. The covers for the Alanna series weren't the greatest, and there is minimal improvement for this one. It's dark and dreary, and the title isn't big enough. And I don't like how she seems to be watching my every move. Freaky.


Now, let me be frank; the story bored me. It lacked he drama and suspense that I love to read. I think the best part had to be the ending after the duke died, but that wasn't even the big finale I was expecting.

Pierce's writing style in the book has definitely improved since Alanna: The First Adventure. It still takes place in the Tortall world, but with Aly as the main character. My favorite character has to be Nawat. I mean, how can you not like a crow-human?


So it was decent. Not something I'd read again, but not something I'd burn at the stake.